Monday, 5 August 2013

A Magic Called “Gratitude”

Gratitude is a gesture to acknowledge the favor done to us by anyone in life. The gesture can be - bowing your head in simple manner, or passing on smile or a word of praise for the other person, or just by saying thank you. Thank You is the most common gesture which comes on top, in the list to acknowledge the favors. Hence we will take - "Thank You" as word of gratitude in our discussion to understand the magic of gratitude.

We say “Thank You” when we get a favor from anyone.  “Thank You” is the most common gesture to show our gratitude and most of the time these two words go almost unnoticed or get a reply as ‘Most Welcome’ or ‘Mention Not’. 

“Thank You” is a phrase which is used worldwide to acknowledge the favor & most of the time it just comes out so very quick that we forget to rap it with feelings.

If we can use “Thank You” with feelings it can really change our world.

 Imagine a friend who has taken some favors from you and in return he says “Thank You”, it will not make much of a difference to you, and probably you will forget the matter. But in case the same friend who has taken some favors from you & forgets to say “Thank You”, you will get some strange feeling. It is the first notice point, and a reason of discussion.

At times simple gestures like using Thank You & Sorry at the right time makes life beautiful even beyond our imagination. Mostly a decent person will never forget to say thanks to a person for his favor. But at the same time there is a strange fact also, that people forget to say thanks to the most loved ones. They take the loved ones for granted. Why so???

Here I would love to sight few examples where we will find that a simple use of Thank You would have created magic.

Ø  A house wife does countless jobs at home & hardly gets enough credit for her work, as it is considered to be her duty. The family takes her for granted.

Ø  A sole earning male gets hardly any recognition from the family for his contribution, and most of the time he is taken for granted. As it’s considered that he is not doing anything special, though in today’s world earning decent is also a challenge, ask any working class or a small business owner.

Ø  In some cases children don't value their parents or find it difficult to adjust, some of them even dare to ask “what have you done for us?”

Ø  Business partners find it difficult to continue because with time their excitement of being together starts fading.

Ø  Neighbors are not very friendly is most of the cases. Try to recall when you said Thank You to your own neighbor.

Ø  Customer retention is a major problem in service sector.  Even regular customer also doesn't get his due regard and one day flies away.

Ø  Employee – Employer relationships is a classical case of lack of gratitude. Even the biggest business houses are facing tough times to hold on the talent.

Let’s try to understand the basic reason for all such cases; the root cause is lack of gratitude in most of the cases. Just think that a simple gesture of saying “Thank You” could have made a big difference. The biggest human motivator is “Praise” a word of appreciation can make a person happy & proud. A word of appreciation in genuine words can create magic in someone’s life. Try this mantra & find out.

We can take our own example that when somebody gives recognition to our efforts, how we feel, in similar manner we can reciprocate to take the advantage of this age old mantra.

“Praise people and win hearts.” Praise is also a part of gratitude. Praise should be real, not superficial. As to praise genuinely one has to value the effort of the other person. Once we give due importance to the work done, we find it easy to pay gratitude.

Ø  Just imagine if a house wife gets recognition for her work, and a Sunday is given to her making her the Queen of the house, who can order & can get the simple household work done from husband & kids. She will never forget this special Sunday. Try & let me know.

Ø  A sole earning member can be treated as the lord of the family and a Thank You card can be handmade & presented to him with adorable words for his efforts to run the family. He already suffers a rude world while dealing with irritated clients, pending sales orders, pending collections for the office, a scold from the boss etc. All he needs is love & respect from the family. Let me know you take on this.

Ø  At time I see children asking their parents “what have you done for us”, I believe it’s the most stupid question if you understand the simple biology. Without parents, our existence could have been a fiction only. Respect parents, give them respect, in most of the cases parents need love, care & affection rather then financial support.

Ø  Maximum business partnerships fail due to either loss of respect for each other or  they don't pay enough gratitude to each other's genuine efforts. Having a partner can be a boon also, if both understand each other’s feelings & can say “Thank You” more often.

Ø  Invite a neighbor for a cup of tea & say Thank You for being nice to your children; or for any favor he did to you in last few weeks & you forgot to thank him, he will be nicer from next day.

Ø  We provide service to a client; the client enjoys our services but still leaves us! Why? A client expects something more than the mere service.  A magic called smile to greet the client since the time he / she enters the business premise can actually make him/ her happy. Retention of a happy customer is always easy.

Ø  If the organization can fix up a plan to encourage the employee for a small effort also, it can boost the morale of the employee, & a happy employee can be much more productive. Productivity will always attract more incentive. An effective system for employee appraisal is the key to retain talent. In the similar manner it’s a duty to praise every positive effort of the employer. 

The key is to maintain mutual respect & pay gratitude.

With these easy to follow mantras, I sign off today…Keep reading…Keep sharing…

Stay Blessed…Stay Happy!!!

Sanjay Singh


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